Meredith Lindsey

Height 5'5



Meredith Lindsey



Film & Television

Castle Justine Bolton ABC Studios

MadMen DeskSecretary   LionsgateEntertainment

Hartof Dixie Magnolia’sTeen Friend 20th Century FOX

Mistresses LawIntern ABCStudios

Phys.Ed (Pilot) Young Teacher ABC Family

Portraitof Art Veronica MankindPictures

KSNT27 News Reporter NBCAffiliate



DrinkingAlone ReneeDuchene ManhattanArts Center

BigLove Thyona Kansas State University Theatre

TheLast Days of Judas Iscariot Sigmund Freud/St. Thomas KansasState University Theatre

EdwardAlbee’s Seascape Sarah The Lizard Kansas State UniversityTheatre

LittleHouse on the Prairie Laura Ingalls The Coterie Theatre (AEA)



(ListAvailable Upon Request)



SceneStudy MichaelKnowles MichaelKnowles, Director

AlbaEmoting Hyrum Conrad Kansas State University

AdvancedActing Dwight Tolar Kansas State U: B.A. Theater

Improvisation KateAnderson KansasState University



American, American Southern, StandardBritish, Cockney, Irish, French, Russian


Special Skills

Shakespeare, Artist’s Model, MusicalTheater, Teleprompter, News Writing/Reporting, Radio Personality, Final CutPro, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Audition, Audacity, Handgun Handling, GenderAmbiguity, Ice Skating, Roller skating.